
An Amazing CLI App
To manage Docker

An amazing CLI app to create and run your custom docker images and containers and push them to Docker hub

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A fast and easy way to create your docker images

with pimp my container you can create, download and push docker images to your docker without execute any command by yourself


Programed entirely on bash, you can run the program in any unix environment without any previous setup


you can install docker, run containers, create your images and more using only options in a menu, you must not know any docker command to use this tool.

Batteries Included.

The program require some packages to work, but it have the "install requirements" option, you only push and the program download and install everything itself


The program has bash colors for important outputs, so you dont need waste time looking for something, you will see it!.

App Screenshots

How The App Works?

Choose distro

pimp my container is multi distro, each distro handle its own package manager

Choose tools

Pimp my container has several menus, easch one has a lot of tools separated by languages and common tools such as python or ruby

Pimp your image

when you finished choose which tools do you need for your docker image, pimp the image, it receive the dockerfile with your tools and build an image

Run your image

when you have your image, yo can enter to manage containers menu and run it with custom ports or without it, then enter to your container and begin to make your work

Loaded With Features You Would Surely Love.

Create, Delete, Download Upload and manage containers, docker volumes and images quick and easy


Upload your pimped image to dockerhub from the CLI app and share it with the world!.


download images from dockerhub directly to your local storage and start to use it!

A lot of stuff

You can install languages, web servers, text editors, compilers and a lot of stuff more

Docker volumes

Create and destroy easily docker volumes for your future containers


Manage your created or downloaded images easy using only menu options, destroy it if you want >:D.

Storm Docker

Do you have a lot of containers, volumes and images unused? Storm docker and delete all unused docker stuff with the "kill'em all" option inside the manage containers option

Our Peers Can't Be Wrong

Author image
Nildiert Wasamayeta @wasamayeton

Esta Aplicación de línea de comandos está bien mamalona, me ayuda a crear contenedores con lo que necesito fácil y en un entorno local para después usarlos sin depender de internet

Author image
Samuel L Flowers @florecitarockera

Este no es el club de amiguitos, pero con esta aplicación no me importa, me ayuda a tener un entorno de desarrollo de manera rápida con lo que necesito

Author image
John ToMaya @A_language_expert

Me ha parecido muy interesante la disrupción de este programa, me evita la sórdida creación de entornos desde 0 cuando no es de mi claridad el manejo de instrucciones para docker

Download The CLI App Now!

You can clone it from our github and run it quick and easy in your local UNIX system